January 12, 2024: 60+ members and guests at our January meeting hosted by Dan Richardi. Lots to go over including Club Elections, Club Charity, Club Events.
November 2024: 25 members and guests at our November club meeting hosted by Jim Boyle and our friends at Tucks Trucks in Hudson, MA.
October 2024: A dozen club members caravaned to Cape Cod for our annual Fall Cruise. What a beautiful 2 hour ride through those quintessential seaside towns! Big THANK YOU to Mal and Greg Corbin for planning this wonderful day.
September 2024: Over 25 members and guests in attendance at this afternoons club meeting. Lots to go over including our upcoming schedule. Big THANK YOU to Mal and Greg Corbin for hosting todays activities!
August 2024: Over 60 members in attendance at this years Waltham Lions Car Show. Pontiac was a featured class and we had a tremendous group. Congratulations to club member, Charlie Egirous for coordinating another terrific show with proceeds going to several local charities.
July 2024: Yankee Chapter well represented at this years BSAAC Show in Dedham, MA. Always a “must see” show. over 600 classic cars on the show field with every make/model represented.
May 2024: Overcast skies and drizzly rain didn’t damper the spirits of 40+ members and guests at our annual Dust-Off at Tucks Trucks in Hudson, MA. Big THANK YOU to Jim Boyle of Tucks Trucks for hosting andMark Wiitala for coordinating and promoting our event.
April 2024: 30 members and guests in attendance at today club meeting. Club Vice President Scott Peitzsch chaired todays agenda and we had a lot to cover. Included was a list of upcoming shows and meetings. Big THANK YOU to Judy and Jim May for hosting the afternoons activities.